Our campsites with quality labels

Eco-responsible certifications that define our approach to responsible camping at Cottage ParkS

In order to avoid greenwashing, to promote ecological actions to different audiences and to maintain high standards in these areas, it seems obvious to obtain eco-responsible labels. Here are a few labels we particularly like:

The French League for the Protection of Birds

After visiting the campsite and carrying out a complete diagnostic, La Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux draws up recommendations aimed at preserving biodiversity and the small fauna nesting at the heart of campsites by encouraging their free movement and taking care to have less impact on their way of life at different times of the year (hibernation, nesting, reproduction…).

The Accueil Vélo

Awarded by tourist offices, it aims to make life easier for travellers who have chosen this environmentally-friendly means of transport for their vacations. It highlights establishments that offer preferential prices to cyclists on a stopover and complementary services within the campsite (covered space for bikes, tools, equipment, etc.).

The Green Key label

It is the first international sustainable tourism label for tourist accommodation and restaurants. This demanding label examines a large number of specific criteria relating to environmental policy, environmental awareness, water management, waste management, energy management, living environment and purchasing policy. Campings La Clape Village and La Tamarissière, in the Hérault region of Occitanie, for example, have been awarded this label since 2022.


This eco-label is awarded to products and services that meet strict environmental criteria throughout their life cycle, from production to disposal. Key features of the ecolabel include reducing carbon footprints, using natural resources responsibly, minimizing waste and promoting environmentally-friendly production processes.


Founded in 1991, Ecocert has established itself as an international benchmark for ecological certification. The main features of its label include rigorous criteria guaranteeing respect for the environment throughout the production process. The Ecocert label gives consumers confidence in the ecological and ethical quality of the products they choose.

Site Vitrine Réseau Compost Citoyen

Waste management is a key issue in the development of more sustainable tourism. Reducing waste is one of the levers for action at Cottage Parks eco-chic campsites. In June 2024, the La Clape Village campsite was awarded the ‘Site Vitrine du Réseau compost citoyen’ label for setting up a functional composting system and raising awareness of this practice among holidaymakers. This label is awarded to shared or on-site composting sites that promote good composting practices. It is a real recognition of the quality of the work carried out.

We encourage all the campsites featured on cottageparks.fr to obtain these certifications. However, obtaining these labels is sometimes difficult, due to the complexity of the processes or their high cost, for small independent campsites that are nonetheless highly committed and virtuous. When you book your vacation with cottageparks.co.uk, you’re sure to find an eco-responsible campsite, whether or not it has one or more eco-labels.